Sunday, December 15, 2013

Virtual Tour: The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of most homes, and on the boat it is no different.

The kitchen is where we congregate as a community. It part of the same multipurpose communal room that houses our sofa and our one TV. The chimney pipe shoots up through the middle of the room, radiating heat.

Our kitchen has a spectacular view.

The window over the sink
On the weekends, rowing teams training at the local club skate past, darting back and forth on the grey river.

The window behind the hob
In the early mornings, mist and fog rise up from the river. Water fowl laze past, whooping and calling to each other. It's like walking into a cloud while listening to a 'Sounds of the River' CD.

The kitchen is basic - we have a gas hob, no oven. We have two hard working kettles - the large one is for boiling river water for cleaning, the small one is for boiling distilled, filtered water for tea.

Our kitchen
We have no refrigerator - the ambient temperature in the boat recently has been about 4 degrees centigrade, which is about as cool as the inside as a fridge. Left overs stay well preserved out on the sideboard.

Like most things on the boat, using the kitchen requires more work, but carries with it a primal satisfaction. And, if nothing else, you can't beat that view.

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